Thursday, March 5, 2020

So....that / such....that


  1. She was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed.
  2. The movie was so captivating that the audience was on the edge of their seats throughout.
  3. He was working late every night, so dedicated was he to finishing the project on time.
  4. The storm was so intense that many trees were uprooted and power lines were knocked down.
  5. The museum exhibit was so well-curated that visitors couldn't help but be impressed by the attention to detail.


  1. It was such a hot day that even the ice cream was melting quickly.
  2. The cake was such a masterpiece that people couldn't believe it was actually edible.
  3. The concert had such an energetic atmosphere that everyone was dancing and singing along.
  4. He had such a vast knowledge of history that he could discuss any historical event in depth.
  5. The restaurant had such a cozy ambiance that customers felt like they were dining in their own living rooms.

Remember, both of these constructions emphasize the extent or degree of something causing a certain effect. The first structure, "So...that," uses an adjective or adverb before "so," while the second structure, "Such...that," uses the adjective followed by a noun.

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