Thursday, March 5, 2020

Enough / too

Enough / too

We can use "enough" and "too" to express the same thing. "Enough" means something is okay or satisfactory. "Too" has a negative meaning and means that something is not okay or satisfactory. By using opposite words, we can express the same idea.

We put "too" before the adjective and "enough" after the adjective.

"Too + adjective" has the same meaning as "not + adjective + enough".
  • The bag is too big. = The bag is not small enough.
  • It is too hot. = It is not cool enough.
  • It is too expensive. = It is not cheap enough.
  • The hotel was too expensive. = The hotel wasn't cheap enough.
  • Is it too big? = Is it not big enough?
  • Is it too hot? = Is it not cool enough?
"Adjective + enough" has the same meaning "not + too + adjective".
  • It is big enough. = It is not too small.
  • They are powerful enough. = They are not too weak.
  • It is cheap enough. = It is not too expensive.
  • It is good enough to use. = It is not too bad to use.

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